
Students can come in contact with hands-on work on turbomachinery during an experimental and a numerical tutorial. Therefore, they are supervised by the research assistants in order to work on the problems on their own which are derived from actual research projects. The work is done in small groups and finishes with an oral exam and the writing of a report.

In the tutorial “Flow Measurement Techniques in Experimental Turbomachinery”, students will become acquainted with approaches in the experimental investigation of gas turbine components. The experiments take place in the departments’ turbomachinery laboratory and, through this, are very hands-on. The specific contents vary from year to year covering the current experimental setups on the rigs. The application of steady and transient measurements and appropriate techniques are examined. Many techniques require calibration before they are applicable for the investigation of relevant flow measurements.

After finishing the experiments, measurement data is handed out for data analysis and post-processing. Students will receive specific exercises to handle, present and discuss the data. The reports are prepared in groups of two to three students. Topic during the final individual oral examination is the overall understanding and comprehension of the experiments and the reports’ content.

  • Target group: Master’s students in Mechanical and Process Engineering
  • Mode: Summer semester
  • Time period: Winter semester, the exact period will be announced
  • Recommended knowledge: Lectures „Grundlagen der Flugantriebe“, „Technische Strömungslehre“ and „Messtechnik, Sensorik und Statistik“ as well as experience in using Matlab
  • Grading: Final report and individual oral examination
  • Contact:

The tutorial „CFD in Turbomachinery“ offers a practical introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in turbomachines. The entire process chain of CFD is part of the task, including mesh generation, simulation setup, running the simulation and post processing the results.

The tutorial concludes with the writing of a report (approx. 10-15 pages) and a colloquium of 30 minutes. The subject of the study is a fully equipped turbomachinery test rig of the institute and the simulation is compared with experimental data.

The focus of the tutorial is on the transfer of fundamentals imparted in the lectures on numerical methods and turbulence modelling to a practical application. In particular, the topic of turbulence modeling and turbomachinery-specific features such as stator-rotor interaction are dealt with. An error assessment and the critical discussion of deviations from the experimental data are also part of the task. In addition to working on the simulation task, the central theoretical fundamentals are presented in seminar lectures.

  • Target group: Master's Students Mechanical and Process Engineering, Computational Engineering, Mechanics and similar
  • Mode: Full time
  • Time period: 17.03.2025 – 28.03.2025
  • Registration period: 1st of November 2024 – 30th of November 2024
  • Working time: 2 weeks full time (simulation work) + 1 week reporting
  • Grading: The graded results are the final report (80%) and the colloquium (20%).
  • Oral Exam: Mid of April
  • Minimum requirements:
    • Succesful examination in „Grundlagen der Flugantriebe“ (Bachelor) or „Flight Propulsion“ (Master)
    • Succesful examination in „Numerische Berechnungsverfahren“ (Bachelor) or comparable achievment from the study programmes „M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering“ or „M.Sc. Aerospace Engineering“ of the TU Darmstadt
  • Other helpful skills: CFD, turbulence modelling, turbomachinery
  • Software: ANSYS CFX and MATLAB
  • Contact: , 06151/16-22109

The tutorial “Aeroelastic Analysis in Flight Propulsion” provides a practical introduction into the topic of aeroelasticity and corresponding analysis methods. In short lectures the underlying problems, challenges and terminology of fluid-structure-interaction in flight propulsion components are explained. Based on that, the entire process chain of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as well as the necessary interactions are developed for a modern aero engine compressor stage, as operated at the TU Darmstadt Transonic Compressor test facility.

Focus of the tutorial is the application of the necessary software tools, as well as assessing potential influencing variables and relevant parameters, in order to set up the simulation process chain. Furthermore, the transfer of numerical basics to a practical problem and a critical discussion of the results and potential interpretations, considering topics such as turbulence modelling and rotor stator interactions are subject of the tutorial.

  • Target group: Master’s students in Aerospace, Mechanical and Computational Engineering, Mechanics and similar
  • Language: English
  • Working period: About 10 weeks part-time between January and March
  • Registration: Apply to the contact below by end of November of the previous year. A TUCaN registration can be carried out during the tutorial.
  • Crediting: 4 CP
  • Grading: Tutorial report and short oral exam
  • Requirements: Mandatory requirement for the participation in this tutorial is the successful completion of one of the following courses: “Grundlagen der Flugantriebe”, “Flight Propulsion”, ”Thermische Turbomaschinen”, “Compressor Technology”.
  • Software: ANSYS CFX & Mechanical
  • Contact: Nicklas Kilian & Silas Mütschard

The model jet engine represents a fully functionable jet engine, consisting of an intake, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine and a nozzle. The engine provides a thrust of 140 N. Two student projects (ADP and ARP) developed a mobil test rig for the investigation of the model jet engine. With this test rig, all import parameters of a jet engine like the mass flow rate, thrust, speed, SFC, jet temperature, efficiency etc. can be estimated.

Throught this, students have the opportunity to experience all the theoretical knowledge gained with the lecture 'Grundlagen der Flugantriebe' with a practical example. Moreover, the model jet engine is used during the tutorial 'Flow Measurement Techniques in Experimental Turbomachinery' to get to know the basic measurement techniques used for turbomachinery investigations.
