Jonathan Gründler M.Sc.

Working area(s)

Numerical Simulation


work +49 6151 16-22109
fax +49 6151 16-22108

Work L1|01 422
Otto-Berndt-Str. 2
64287 Darmstadt

  • Combustor-Turbine-Interaction
  • Numerical Turbine Simulation
  • Instationary Effects
Aug. 2007 - Jul. 2010 Training as industrial mechanic
Oct. 2010 - Mar. 2014 Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Uni Kassel
Oct. 2013 - Dec. 2013 Internship at Magna Powertrain GmbH, Bad Homburg
Apr. 2014 - Nov. 2016 Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering, TU Darmstadt
Dec. 2016 - Dec. 2017 Year of work and travel in Australia
Feb. 2018 - Jan. 2019 Development engineer at Turbo Science GmbH, Darmstadt
Feb. 2019 - today Research associate, TU Darmstadt
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