The HiReNT is a 1.5-stage low Mach turbine test rig. The current configuration carries upscaled high pressure turbine vanes and blades. The rig is operated in quasi open loop where the test cell acts as recirculation. The turbine inlet temperature is controllable by the exchange of air with the ambience. A secondary air system is supplying the cavity between vane 1 and rotor allowing to investigate the interaction between main flow and sealing air.
Both nozzle guide vanes are rotatable individually allowing to traverse the flow field. Circumferentially-fixed measurement techniques might be used to determine full annulus flow parameters.
Triggering unsteady measurement techniques is leading to rotor relative flow variables. Particle-Image-Velocimetry using endoscopes for optical access for example allows the detailed investigation of secondary flows in the blade passages.
The HiReNT is currently used for the further development of measurement techniques for rotating turbine test rigs.